

Historical facts of Panama

 Historical facts of Panama

Among the Panamanian historical facts, many stand out, but it should be noted that this year 2021 commemorates the Bicentabarium of the Independence of Panama from Spain in 1821, later we will talk more about it.

Some of these facts are:

Beginning with the exploration of the isthmus which was in 1501 by Spanish conqueror Rodrigo de Bastidas.

Old Panama was founded by Pedro Arias Dávila on August 15, 1519.

The first Cry of Independence of the town of Los Santos: given on November 10, 1821, (a fact that is attributed to Rufina Alfaro a humble and brave woman from that community who infiltrated between the barracks that the Spanish had and provided information for independence) is what is said, but her name does not appear in the Act of Independence of the Villa de Los Santos, which reinforces its legendary character. For this reason, many historians directly attribute the Villa de los Santos cry for independence to Segundo de Villareal, "regardless of whether it exists or not, Rufina Alfaro is considered an element that reinforces the popular memory of the cry".

Independence of Panama from Spain: it was a process that took place between November 10 and 28, 1821, a fact that marks Panamanian history, in which Panama breaks the ties that existed between our territory and the Spanish empire, ending 321 years of colonial life.

The Sandia Slice Incident (this was the Isthmus' first insurrection against the Americans and the only one they won, at least at the citizen level) on April 15, 1856.
The separation of Panama from Colombia in 1903: after the War of the Thousand Days, Jose Agustin Arango started the separatist movement putting his life at risk and that of those who participated in the movement, after so many signatures and treaties Panama succeeded in separating from Colombia on November 3, 1903.

The treaty to build the Panama Canal was signed between Panama and the United States on November 18, 1903, after this in 1914 the Ancón Steam opened the canal.
The tragedy of the powder magazine of May 5, 1914 was a devastating fire and explosion that completely destroyed a masonry building called El Polvorín that was used as a warehouse where explosive material and ammunition from that time were kept, in the nascent Republic of Panama. In the facts, they registered deaths and injuries, most of whom were members of the Meritorious Fire Department of the Republic of Panama.
Feat of January 9, 1964 there was a confrontation between the Americans residing in Panama against the Panamanians. That incident ended with the death of 22 people and more than 500 injuries, including the death of a 6-month-old girl.

These among other historical facts mark the history of our beautiful country Panama.

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